Te Awhi RitoNurturing Our Young
The name Te Awhi Rito comes from the harakeke or flax plant. The ‘Rito’ is the young shoot at the centre of the plant. ‘Awhi Rito’ are the strong, mature leaves that stand straight and tall to surround, protect and nurture the Rito.
Outside Te Awhi Rito are the ‘Tupuna’ or older leaves that bend towards the ground. These support the entire harakeke bush and eventually become part of the fertile ground beneath.
Like the harakeke we will stand with and for our tamariki to ensure they thrive and reach maturity. Te Awhi Rito Trust is a response by the local Anglican and Presbyterian Churches in Ōtaki to see our children thriving.
Our Current Programme
Tuesday – Tūrei Kai and Kori Sport and Active Games for tamariki in years 1-8 4pm-5pm Join Joseph Te Wiata and have some fun playing active games and sports. Try out a variety of sports equipment and even some Tai Chi! Followed by a light meal from 5pm-5:30pm.
Wednesday – Wenerei Tākaro, Whakatangi and Koiri Playgroup and Music for tamariki under 5 years 9:30am-12pm Come and have some fun with your little ones with music and play, spend time with other parents as your tamariki enjoy making new friends and playing together. Music starts at 9:30am, followed by morning tea at 10am, then free play till 12pm.
Thursday – Tāite Auahatanga Hinengaro Creative Minds for tamariki in years 1-8 4pm-5pm Come and hang out with our team and a varietyt of artists and musicians as we explore a variety of music and forms of art, from painting, to drama and much more! Followed by a light meal from 5pm-5:30pm.
Donations and Koha
We are always grateful to receive donations for our charitable trust (Te Awhi Rito, CC59321).
If you make a donation please email our admin team and we’ll provide a charitable donation letter.
Our Bank Account details
Customer name: TE AWHI RITO TRUST
Account number: 01 0530 0531095 00
For more information please email us at admin@teawhirito.nz
Ngā mihi
The Trustees, Te Awhi Rito
Rev Marie Collin, Denise Hapeta, Rev. Peter Jackson, Shane Hastie, Rev. Simon Falconer and Joseph Te Wiata.